id | S_Uuid! | The ID of the stock | |
product | S_API_Product! | | |
competition (after: String, first: Int) | S_API_AuctionConnection | All available stock for product. Maximum 50 records at the time | |
lowestPrice | S_API_Auction | Lowest price competition auction | |
unitsSold | Int! | Amount of keys sold | |
onHand | Int! | Amount of keys in stock | |
onHold | Int! | Amount of keys on hold | |
declaredStock | Int | Amount of keys in declared-stock | |
status | S_API_SellingStatus! | Stock status | |
enabled | Boolean! | Used to read whether the stock is enabled by you, the vendor. A value of
`true` does not guarantee that the auction is visible, for that reference the
`status` field. | |
expiresAt | S_DateTime! | Stock expiration date and time | |
autoRenew | Boolean! | | |
price | S_Money! | | |
createdAt | S_DateTime! | | |
updatedAt | S_DateTime! | | |
priceUpdateQuota | S_API_PriceUpdateQuota! | Price update quota for stock | |
position | Int | Your auction position for the product | |
positionLabel | String | | |
positionTooltip | String | | |
commission | S_API_Commission | Your auction sales commission | |